Participant Notes – Chaudiere-Appalaches Bicycle Tour

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Comments – Chaudiere-Appalaches
Bicycle Tour

J. Hayes

Logistics are pretty strong. We like the meet-and-greet, pot luck etc. We like the camping and the flexibility to book a room for some of the trip. Strong pit crew. Grocery stops, coffee. Really like that you carry dishes, silverware, cups, pots, etc. We appreciate your research on notable things on the tour.

D. Dermont

Meeting people. Sharing stories. Visiting places off the beaten track. Rubbing elbows with the locals.

D. Bardsley

13 out of 10

D. Plane

It was a grand time. Loved the mix of trails and over the hills rides. Having to break-down and move camp only every other day was a real nice feature of this tour. Spectacular feeling on the road and views. Description of the trip should not lead participants to think it is all bike paths. I love paths because am very traffic adverse, but the better scenery is often the backroads over hill and dale rather than along old rail lines.

K. Stobie

A great time cycling, a great group of people, a least one crappy rain day, good Quebec beer and food! The path back to Levi was absolutely fantastic. Seeing the mountains on the north shore and the St. Lawrence together just blew my mind.

J. Berg

My expectations were to be wowed with my first time in Canada, learn more about bikecamping, and meet lots of new folks.
The Chaudiere-Appalaches Tour landscape was stunning, the campsites were beautiful, weather perfect, 2-day camping was crucial, and the organization was amazing. All the grocery stops were fantastic. Cant wait to go on another one or even repeat this one!

D. Plane

Hope you will be able to stick with the operation for a number more years while we are still capable of going with your groups.

More About the Quebec Chaudiere-Appalaches Route Verte Bicycle Tour

Tour Page Quebec Chaudiere-Appalaches Route Verte Tour Page
Route Outline Quebec Chaudiere-Appalaches Route Verte Tour Route Outline
Photos Quebec Chaudiere-Appalaches Route Verte Tour Photo Album
Tourism Links Chaudiere-Appalaches
10 Belles Pistes Cyclables du Québec
Veloroute de la Chaudiere
Destination Beauce
Cycloroute de Bellechasse
Tourism Quebec

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