Welcome to Atlantic Canada Cycling – Bicycle touring site for Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, ...
Bike tours, walking holidays, sea-kayak trips, and multisport adventures in Canada, Europe, Iceland
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Tour the idyllic Luberon Park, famous for its lavender fields and Peter Mayle‘s “Year...
ou may enter our B&B as a traveling professional, vacationer or a honeymooner. Yet you will s...
Bicycle Stuff Bicycle Touring Routes in Nova Scotia Cross Canada Cycling Nordic Tour 1994 (Memori...
The Backpackers hostel is located in the lower level of the former Port Mouton Consolidated Schoo...
Great for the environment. No exhaust emissions. No noise pollution. Economically cheap to operat...
Inverness County comprises the entire western coastline of Cape Breton Island, including the worl...
Fold n´Visit aims to target and advertise Porto’s tourism throughout bike rentals, diverse ...
We are a club open to anyone in the Saint John area who cycles, or would like to be involved in c...
Sportwheels is a family owned business serving and supporting the community of Halifax for over 6...
Hotel Paulin, a classic Victorian Hotel, built in 1891, is a rare Canadian gem, a one-of-a-kind h...
About the Edmonton Masters Cycling Club The Edmonton Veterans Cycling Association was formed in 1...
With the Biking Across Canada website, our aim is to promote long-distance bicycle touring in Can...
Built in 1878 by local tanner, William Peters and located in the beautiful heritage area of Uptow...
Thank you for taking this opportunity to visit Lake Breeze. We are a family campground for all ag...
Women’s Cycling.ca is a free cycling resource for women. Our e-zine is a labour of love, written ...
We are a non-profit organization for active adults of all ages. Our members are mainly retired pe...
The house was built in 1890 by David A. Huntley, merchant and lumberman, on land purchased from H...
FrameWork Cycle & Fitness officially incorporated as a Nova Scotia Joint Stocks company in 20...